Here's Something-La ;)
J: McSnick.
Legend (who's who)
M: Chief Technical Officer
S: President and CEO
I: Treasurer
J, G, N, A, D, F etc: monkeys
Briefly: we work for a startup. This is what life is like for us. We make a very good product. No, i'm serious.

Thursday, May 29, 2003 

Hazing at work
G: Crap! I just remembered something that we're forgetting to do and I just forgot it again!
J: So then you're fired.
N: That's why you're an IDIOT!

S: *laughs* Man, that was just so cold and out of the blue...
M: Now now N, just cuz he's your brother doesn't mean you can abuse him like that at work.
N: Why not? I do it all the time at home.


Wednesday, May 28, 2003 

N, i need an exit.
G: Man, i love that how stuff works here. Like A, like D, like me, like him, like anybody who ever worked walk in, and the first week you gotta do things you don't understand at ALL.

J: Yah, i still remember my first week. "We need a help system. Go build a help system."

G: Right, and you didn't even know Java! I still remember A...after the first week he's calling me up saying "man, this M guy, he says 'do this' and i have no idea what's going on, i'm just reading lines of code for a day and a half, what the hell?!" And now N is here a week, he knows what CVS is, he knows how to do a checkout, he maybe knows what Tomcat is, and you want him making automated web deployments? it's crazy!

M: Well i think that's important, to be a self-directed learner. A key skill everyone should have. Now, i don't necessarily mean the ability to learn anything by reading books, but certainly the idea to grasp what's going on, and what questions to ask to figure out more. Like, i think it would be perfectly valid for you to say "so what the hell is Tomcat?", and i'd be perfectly happy to answer that question for you.


N: Right, so what the hell is Tomcat, anyway?

Monday, May 26, 2003 

4:30 pm, Monday, marketing meeting. J is whistling "it's a small world" theme. N is doing work. G is alternately using a whiteboard marker to write "development is futile", and to mime gunshot suicide. A side conversation breaks out.
I: hah, he's gonna sic his father on you!
O: I've worked with his father before in far worse situations.
J: ...and lived to tell the tale.
O: (muttering) well, that's the problem.
