Here's Something-La ;)
J: McSnick.
Legend (who's who)
M: Chief Technical Officer
S: President and CEO
I: Treasurer
J, G, N, A, D, F etc: monkeys
Briefly: we work for a startup. This is what life is like for us. We make a very good product. No, i'm serious.

Thursday, March 25, 2004 

Newborn a'comin
I: ...and don't forget the planning meeting.

S: Ugh, is there even a point to that? I mean, R can't do any work.

I: Why not? The baby's not due for two weeks.

S: Oh please. R's wife was in the hospital for 36 hours last week. That baby is coming, and soon.

I: Well we don't KNOW that. It could have been anything. Women can have a bad burrito, you know...

S: Says the man who's had HOW many babies?

I: Well women are generally hysterical, you know.

C: *glaring*

