Here's Something-La ;)
J: McSnick.
Legend (who's who)
M: Chief Technical Officer
S: President and CEO
I: Treasurer
J, G, N, A, D, F etc: monkeys
Briefly: we work for a startup. This is what life is like for us. We make a very good product. No, i'm serious.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003 

I broke his arm... kind of..

So we went to play hockey Monday after work... While playing, J tripped over my stick and flew, landing on his arm. As N says, "that's a lot of weight man". The result was a fractured arm. Here are the emails that got sent around at work the next day.

G: J tripped over my stick yesterday playing hockey and he got two hairline fractures... Not sure if he’s coming in today or not yet, we’ll have to wait and see.

J: Yeah, i'm fine. I'm staying away from the office today because i don't want to get hit on my way there while it's all swelled. Xrays were inconclusive because the fluid filling the joint showed up as a dark mass (which didn't make sense to me, but whatever). Bones all line up correctly, so no dislocation and no break, but there's a couple of very small indentations surrounded by fluid, which the doc calls a "sell sign" for a fracture. The bone isn't actually dented, but there's likely small fractures there, especially from the particular ways that i can't rotate my arm.

Anyway, whether it's a massive bruise or a small fracture or two, the treatment is all the same. One week in a sling, occasionally move the elbow around slowly so it doesn't heal stiffly. That means i can still type, so nothing's new really.

S: Glad to hear nothing's new really - except of course that you're a confirmed spaz now.

Monday, June 23, 2003 

Joy, it's Monday
So last week, G walked into the office.
G: Yo, i need your help, right now. There's a huge stash of cardboard outside.
J: ... cardboard?
G: The fabric place. TUBES, guy. For VBC.
J: Ohhh. K.

Right, so...tubes. Ask G about the tube/cleaver matchup sometime.
