Here's Something-La ;)
J: McSnick.
Legend (who's who)
M: Chief Technical Officer
S: President and CEO
I: Treasurer
J, G, N, A, D, F etc: monkeys
Briefly: we work for a startup. This is what life is like for us. We make a very good product. No, i'm serious.

Friday, August 19, 2005 

Ching chong (chĭng chông): interj.
Due to popular demand, we will begin a series of explanations for these terms. First to be so honored is "ching chong."

Ching chong can ultimately be attributed to R, the infamous mumbler in the hot storegirl account. R is the median member of the House of Lau, ancient blood rivals to the House of Tan (G and N are 2nd and 3rd in the Tan lineage). Many of you know that R regularly performs farcical parodies of nerds, gamers, and chinamen. In the latter, most of his spoken sentences will end with a high pitched "chingchongchingchong".

At some point in time J decided that R's firstborn son would be named Ching Chong, and thus be addressed Ching Chong Lau. This marked ching chong's official entry into the standard HSL lexicon.

Like other terms in the same family (sbye, hallah, etc), ching chong is most often used to gain someone's attention. In addition, chingchong is the name of J's mp3 player. This is due to J's alternate usage of ching chong; it replaces any lyrics that he has forgotten while singing a song.

ex: In the naaaavy, chingchong chingchong chingchongchong, in the naaaaaavy...

Thursday, August 18, 2005 

Nghai. (The HSL Lexicon)
It has recently been brought to my attention that many of our readers don't understand what we're talking about. In fact, it may be the case that people laugh at us not only despite this semantic impasse, but also because of it. Bearing this in mind, here is a list of things you may hear us say from time to time but not understand.



Bhatt, bhattmonkey, bhattclown, bhattho, bhattface, bhattyfarmer, badman.

Nhatt, biznatch, backpot, sidepan, frontcup, stovetop.

Asshat, assface, assclown, sssslicka, idiot, idjat, blocker, hbag.

Took, token, faced, pwnt, GG (no re).

Hax, headshot, knuckle, in the eye, eye-jammy, eye-jammer, aggro, tilt, Qapla'.

Newb, noob, nubcake, boon, boonface, booncake, htur, boondog.

H'leh, helleh, hallah, halalalala, sbye, ching dao dei, ching chong.

Messed, whack, broken, brux, brax, bruxor, booned up.

Dirt, dirty, dutt, dutty, freak, freaking, afreakin', 'niscus, wtb.

Listen, calm, easy, calmate, turbo, chill, cheeel weeenstan, relax.

Sick, snick, imba, wicked, hype, seen, safe, tight, banked, packed, secure.

Poor, lame, stank, weak, weaksauce.

Ahso. Awesoma powa.

Nospeak, Joseph, KHB.


These are optionally preceded/appended by various auxiliary terms, including: you, u, me, mad, enough, nuff, so, pure, perma, ch', -zor, -zors, -zord, -t, -age, -up, -it up, -ian.

Additionally, there is an entire class of words comprising normal words where all vowels have been replaced by a long 'e' sound. The precedent for this was established when "raw" became "reeeeeeeeuw". A notable in this class is "smeeth".

If you understand, say aff. Else, neg.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 

 Sitting around a stack of McSnicks. G's gf calls.
G: Good afternoon, ourCompName, G speaking.

Cn: Hi G, I need help.

G: OK...(thinks 'who are you, what do you need', blood pressure rising)

Cn:'s ME.

G: Oh. Freak. Stop playing games, that's not funny.

(McSnicks disappear. Eventually G hangs up.)

J: So does she normally call you G?

G: Well, yeah.

J: Like, your whole first name.

G: Well, yeah. What else would she call me?

N: Idiot? Ugly?

K: Hahahaha

J: I dunno, sometimes you just stop referring to each other by name. "Hey, what's up."

G: So what does Tray call you?

J: Just-

G: Needbhatt?

N: Assface?

K: Hahahaha

J: Yeah, that's exactly what she calls me.

Freedom 25.
 365 days to go.
Phone: *ring-g-g-g-g*

G: Ugggh. So it begins.

N: *chuckle*

I: Happy birthday.

Phone: *ring-g-g-g-g*

G: Hello? Oh, hey M.


G: Yeah, he's here. Hold on. (passes phone)

J: Hey, M. Do you know how to config our remote document server? R is in the bowels of hell right now, making him somewhat indisposed to help me.

G: I'm in hell too!

J: And G is in hell too, but it's his birthday so we're ignoring him.

N: *chuckle*

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 

Despair is amusing.
 I was about to click 'Go' for jsettlers.
Phone: *ring-g-g-g-g*

G: noooOooOoooo.

J: hahahahaha

N: hahahahaha

Phone: *ring-g-g-g-g*


J: hahahahaha

N: hahahahaha (points at J, meaning "post this")

G: Hello, ourCompanyName. Uhhuh. Uhhuh. OK, bye. *click* YES, easy call.

J: hahahahaha

N: hahahahaha

G: Freaking assface, don't do that, i'm gonna answer the phone laughing!

J: hahahahaha

N: hahahahaha

 Nicknames have been changed to protect the guilty.

We treasure our clients.
 J has just arrived in the office, as the TTC had decided to undergo a morning meltdown. Also, welcome back, N.

J: ...

G: Chief.

J: (to N) I don't like how "chief" came right after "freaking retard."

G: You know how Tomcat has the adminstration page, right?

J: Yeah.

G: Can you get rid of it?

J: Sure. Delete manage.jsp.

G: This guy is telling me there's a security flaw with our system because they can all see the admin page.

J: Ok. You can replace index.html too.

G: But this isn't even our server! We're hosting the app somewhere else, this is THEIR SERVER!

J: Ok. (thinks) So what's this biznatch's problem?

