Here's Something-La ;)
J: McSnick.
Legend (who's who)
M: Chief Technical Officer
S: President and CEO
I: Treasurer
J, G, N, A, D, F etc: monkeys
Briefly: we work for a startup. This is what life is like for us. We make a very good product. No, i'm serious.

Friday, July 11, 2003 

but the engineers, they're fine.

M: Parents, don't let your kids be lawyers.

J: So you're saying all lawyers are bad.

M: Let's put it this way. My accountant is in his 60s, a career accountant. I asked him if he knew any good lawyers, and he said "Well to be honest, no."

J: Well, why is that?

M: Lawyers spend half their time defending something they know to be wrong. Prosecutors spend half their time attacking people they know to be innocent, or at least who don't deserve what they're going to be ailed for. Defense lawyers spend half their time defending people they know are guilty. Corporate lawyers spend all of their time defending crooks. How can you maintain your integrity in an environment like that?

I: Same thing for cops.

J: All cops are, by definition, bad?

M: Not that they're bad. But again, the environment. You spend all your time keeping crooks or thugs or the unsavoury in line, usually by physical force. That sort of thing is brutalizing on the policemen. That's why i think the police force should be run on a conscription basis.


M: 4 month rotations. People who think of it as their civic duty will do their jobs better, and stand less risk of being brutalized.

J: Um...don't you think crime would run rampant?!

N: (to G) Yo, this is J as a cop. (mimes J looking at gun, then shooting everyone in sight)

M: Just the regular officers. I'd still keep detectives and SWAT teams and such. But anyone who killed someone would be retired with full pay.


M: Or at least suspended for three years.

J: Three years?! Isn't that excessive? i mean, i'd imagine they'd be pulled off roster for a month anyway.

M: Well no, that's not excessive. Sure he had to shoot someone to save a life, but we should still acknowledge the gravity of the situation. I mean, he's just killed a person, that's brutalizing for the sniper.

G: How about psychological profiling? They should have to do that afterwards. Same thing for the army. Like, those guys who fought Desert Storm, they're like, messed up psychologically now.

J: What about the Deltas? You saw Black Hawk Down, right? They came back to base after the bloodbath, cleaned up, reloaded and went out again.

G: Hmm...

M: Yeah. But they only shoot foreigners, so that's ok.

Monday, July 07, 2003 

Sniff it up.

likes: unlit cigarettes
dislikes: Febreze (induces vomiting)

likes: Vanilla Americano
dislikes: J

likes: girls
dislikes: durian ("smells like ass. elephant ass.")
